The Girl of Sunset 3

Date: 1/15/2017

By JRGoriginal

It's the third time that she appears within my dream. The first time she appeared when I was driving through a river, she was trying to get to me but I got to her first. The second time she appeared in my school u I was waiting for her, then when we got together we traveled to a distant land where we were faced with a challenge. And now we return to the place where it all began, the school bus. It's been almost since a year since I graduated, but it was like being in the bus one more time. I saw her and she was sad. I knew that I had to do something, but what? Then she spoke to me, I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something along the lines of: "You aren't coming back, are you?" To which I answer "Even if I wanted to, I can never turn back now." She then nods and looks outside of her bus window, slowly staring down into the neighboring mountains, sadder then before. She the whispers "I just wish that we had more time." But afterwards I awake.