Unknown Bond

Date: 4/24/2017

By SwaggyBoy9

Okay, last dream, sorta linked to the previous one, sorta not. I was in class, sitting next to west. I don't remember what class this was, nor who the teacher this was. I remember moving away from west and sitting a desk behind in the middle, now one desk away from Jack. I looked at who I was sitting next to, and it was Angel. I mean, I've never liked her, she was a complete bitch to me in intermediate, but she's somewhat nicer now. She looked at me, and gave me the cutest smile, my heart melted a little. I smiled back, and we held this eye-contact for a good 20 seconds. Her pupils dilated, I could see it. Mine probably did too. That felt nice. It was like a special connection or bond that I didn't even knew existed between us. Then I Woke Up.