Lounging at the help center

Date: 6/13/2020

By bdenson

I was lying in a lounge chair at some kind of center for ppl that come there down on their luck for help . I see ppl come in , a women well dressed and her children were well dressed as well . I see several ppl come in Kenneth and I were then sitting together and this man walks over and introduced himself and shook hands with Kenneth and then shook my hands like what’s mine? I said Becky or Rebecca which ever. I see there are lots of food and a big fridge to help everyone there also . There was this very big , tall guy come in with kinda long curly black hair and he wore a long white tunic down to his feet . As Kenneth and I was talking with the other guy i accidentally touched him , he was very close to me then . It was kinda like that was all he had on. I said sorry for hitting you . I felt it was ok from him even tho I did t hear him say anything. I m Lou going now on the other side of the room and I see my mom bringing stacks of chairs in and sat them down . I hear my mom talking to my dad even thoug I did t see him , I heard him .