couldn’t find my way home

Date: 3/25/2020

By kkthedreamer

i was at either the airport, mall, or movie theater (can’t remember exactly) with Uncle John, and i don’t really remember what we were doing, but we were leaving and he took my phone for some reason. then i was in my car and i was driving away and i realized i didn’t know how to get home. so i went to reach for my phone to pull up google maps, but then remembered he took it. so i started panicking a lil because i was like 40 mins away from home and had no idea what roads to take. so i kinda just went with my gut and just went straight without making any turns for a while. but after like 20 minutes, nothing was starting to look familiar, so i just gave up and took a right into a residential area so i could collect my thoughts and think through this. i pulled up to a curb next to a small pink house and noticed a couple sitting outside on their front steps. i decided to ask them for help, so i got out of the car, went up to them, and told them what happened. i said i just got my license (which is true lol i’m 16) and lost my way going home. they asked me a few questions and we stood there and talked for a long time. they had a daughter and a son who were playing around us. i’m not sure what happened but eventually i was in their house and i guess they invited me to sleep there for the night. they had a teenage son, too, and i went in his room and talked to him. that’s about all i remember.