apoc dream

Date: 6/2/2018

By livhab

starts off everythins gone to shit, inn is broken down and messed up and viney like it sat empty for a looong time. it's raining. my clothes are all tattered and dirty. i'm frantic for some reason and use truck to try to get away, it kind of works but the passenger door is ripped off and there are vines and there's dirt and garbage in it. leo is alive for some reason and i put him in the back seat, i drive to abandoned house, might be flossmoor house, with hattie, both of us awake, people come through trying to kill us, every time we escape people walking in unison down the road, grap my arm and pull me back, i wake up back in house, mr. remmo and other people i know try to kill me, there's eventually a crowd of people running at me, i escape through a window and run into all the people walking down the street in unison, get caught by them again, only a few people in the house this time playing mind games and trying to kill me, i realise it's a dream and try to wake up but it doesn't work, mr. remmo is back and tries to kill me with syringe? and i hit him with a lamp, run through same window, the people in the street are walking in unison in same pattern as before, i remember pattern and sidestep all of them. they only come after me and grab me if i touch them so i sidestep them. it's hard. i make it to the sidewalk. i run for a while and find abandoned house with people in it. they're all kids i'm good friends with; they all seem to be awake. the people like mr. remmo and other people who aren't awake are all after me for some reason and not after my friends. the people in the street are faceless and don't care about me. there are lots of people on the sidewalk walking slowly and looking at all the windows. the house has a lot of floors and i get into the attic and all of my friends hang out there. it looks like my room in matteson. the house is clean and every floor is big. they are all with me in the attic but i want them to go downstairs so it looks like i'm not there. i don't think any of them are really awake but they have their real personalities mostly. i don't know where hattie is. i think she might be dead. i finally get them to leave. i lay in the corner of the attic away from the windows. i get ip to try and find a closet to hide in but someone sees me through the window. i see her smile and suddenly she's walking up the ladder to the attic. she's vaguely familiar but i don't remember who she is in real life, maybe someone from school. she's followed by a few other kids. i don't know why i'm not found by any other adults, it's just kids here now. adults are on the sidewalk too trying to find me but i think they aren't as inept. the girls talk to me weirdly like they're talking down at me but i think they're younger than me. they kind of hold my arm and walk me down stairs-it's not a ladder anymore but a full carpeted staircase. we walk down all the way to floor level. they aren't aggressive. i try to be like my other friends and not remember my past, real life. i do a good job at lying and they don't give away if they believe me or not. they're like passive aggressive. my friends are eating cereal in a big kitchen. i think the house is like a combination of the matteson house and the house i saw when i went on a house tour when i spent the night with ruth one time. the house in the beginning of the dream might have been like flossmoor kind of but it was also kind of like a museum and also kind of like marie's house but everything is dusty and viney like the inn at the very beginning of my dream.