The Performance

Date: 5/22/2019

By Sir_Prize

In this dream I was in an airport in some Asian Country like Japan. But this airport was super futuristic. I was in the food court and it was dimly lit with blue. The glass on the windows around me was blue as well. So anyway I was eating and talking with these two people who im certain were friends of mine from japan. and luckily they spoke english and so we could talk. We all had our laptops out. We were talking about technology and stuff and how much RAM our laptops had and stuff like that. So immediately this Asian chick in elegant, expensive clothing walks over to our table and sits down and then leans towards me. She says something along the lines of “We can do ANYTHING, right now!”. And she holds out her hand and she leans in closer and dream-me is too confused to understand what this all means so i hold her hand. She squeezes tighter and I do as well, and the friends sitting across from us look as though this chick is just a friend of theirs, that they knew this would happen. Does it have to do with the fact that I’m american? Well anyway we go around the airport-place and realize there’s a mall attached to it. The asian chick tells me I can get whatever I want. So we get chinese food on kebabs, and get new clothes, and other cool stuff. I get surprised looks by the passers-by about this situation. Anyway after returning to the table with my other Asian friends who somehow knew me in the first place, they looked at each other and then looked at me. They asked me to be in the show. They kept being vague about this. I didn't know what the "show" is or was. I finally said “okay”. They led me to a stairwell that led downstairs and I followed the three down. Apparently there was this stage that you could perform at downstairs and across from the stage was a curtain like any other stage would have. Just these big red curtains. On the other side of the curtains across from the stage was a floor that was bouncy and slippery and I saw all the performers getting ready to perform on this floor doing flips and tricks and all that. I can’t contain myself as I run around on the floor. It’s quite fun. The curtains part and someone performs as I look from the side. Everyone is doing incredible things. After he’s done and the curtains close I see my aunt. She gives me a gift and I look at the gift and I can’t remember what it was or what it was about at the moment. But it was so beautifully made that I cried and then my dream ended.