Date: 11/13/2016
By jooquialda
I was waddling in a clear water, the bluest water I have ever seen. I swam in the deeper part buy then I suddenly sank and I could see the light dimming slowly. It turned out I sank in a very deep cave under the sea and It felt like my lungs were gonna burst as I gasp for air. Scene suddenly changed, and I saw my boyfriend picking up a fruit from a tree. I have never seen such a fruit in my waking life. It was as big as an apple, with skin as yellow as corn. The outer skin had square like patterns with black dots in the middle. The skin was thin but hard, and the flesh looks like mangosteen . Scene changed again and I saw my mother, she was telling me to slaughter a chicken and I felt icky just thinking about plucking the feathers out of the live chicken. Scene changed again, me back at my gradeschool yard, talking with my gradeschool teachers. End of dream.