Someone's Attacking the house

Date: 5/2/2017

By AbbyK

So I was at this house and I think Zoe was there. Someone got into the house and was trying to kill me, so I was sneaking over to another house for help. I knew that the person knew I had left and they were looking for me. It was daylight outside so I was just hiding behind fences and bushes. I made it to this house and I went inside. There was a couple and their young son. I told them I needed help and they said they would call the police. Before they could do that, this girl comes to the door and they invite her in because she has cookies or something. I know it's the person trying to get me (for some reason the person started off as a guy and now they're a girl). I walk up to the mom and whisper to her that it is the person trying to kill me and she tells her husband. They take her into a back room and I'm watching their son in the kitchen. I search for a knife in their drawers and I can only find knives that have short handles or short blades. I find one that has a semi-short handle and the blade is like a triangle. I cut myself a little with it by accident. The girl trying to kill me turns into a man again and is coming at me. I hold up the knife and that's all I remember.