Peace and joy after the storm.

Date: 2/21/2020

By iamMartinez!

Like always I was out running. This time through a nice neighborhood. Noticed some black people walking on the sidewalk. I thought it was odd to see black folks in this kind of neighborhood. I had a starting point cause I always gauge my distance and time based on a familiar starting point. That way I know where I am at what time all the time but this time I ignored it and just went farther out. Next scene I’m in a nice mansion. There’s a line of people waiting to be let in. It’s owned by a massage therapist. Everyone is raving about how good he is. We’re all finally let in and we’re seated in a lounge as we wait. His personal assistant is some gay dude that keeps talking about his teachers amazing skill and begins to hit on me. He sits a bit too close but I’m a cool dude. I pretend not to care. I have a bad shoulder and I always bring it up for relief. So I bring it up and it looks like I have arm around him sitting next to me. I hear people laugh and the dude looks so flattered, I’m like nooo, see I have this shoulder issue. Finally the doc comes out and gets acquainted with everyone. His other assistants pour some liquid into a water fountain and they set fire to it creating a nice display. A peaceful smell comes over from the fire. I tell the doc what I’m there for and he mashed up some garlic and salt for me to chew on while I wait. Next scene. We’re in a nice shopping mall. We’re on the way to our car when I begin to feel a drizzle. A voice over the speaker says there’s a strong storm coming in and to find shelter. So it does and we do. Everyone runs for cover. It begins to rain really hard, the parking lot becomes quickly flooded. We see people struggling in 6 ft deep water. The storm pauses and we’re ready to head out when I hear the voice again. It says it’s gonna rain again. So we stay put. Some tried to make a run for it and were caught by the storm. They were holding onto patio umbrellas or patio furniture but it was being lifted off the ground by the strong winds. They were being lifted as high as 50ft and being violently slammed to the ground. I though of running out to help but for one, I don’t know how to swim and second I’ll probably get swept away by the strong current. We were just yelling at the people to let go. Finally the storm ceases and I say to the other men to run out with me and search for victims. We ran out and helped who ever needed it. After all that I head back and just like that everything was back to normal. All the fancy restaurants were open and busy. Everyone was out enjoying their day. I ran into my boss and his friends. They were in a lounge having a drink. Some one asked for my brother and just as I was about to reply he walks up with his usual laughter. I say to them there’s your answer now I must go. Excuse me.