angel wings

Date: 6/30/2016

By kidden

I had angel wings and I was at a huge school event in a theater with a balcony I started getting tired of sitting on the top row so I threw myself over the balcony and my angel wings had a string to them so the balcony caught me and I started swinging over the heads of my classmates I heard people saying "that's such a Lucy thing to do" Then when I landed my dad was there and he had a whole bunch of my clothes in a bag he was like hugging me in front of everyone and so I decided that I'd pretend I was hugging him because he gave me a gift so I pretended my clothes were a gift Then I was at work I was trying to check this woman out but a personality quiz kept popping up on the screen and so I was having to take it for work but it would ask me really long complicated questions and I didn't have time to read cuz I needed to check the lady out I ended up just clicking frantically and Christi told me I couldn't skip the quiz but it was too late cuz if skipped a few questions