a master and his servant

Date: 12/20/2018

By icarus

I had been Lord Erwins right hand for a long time. i didnt have the ability to deny him because of the fear of what he might do to me if i said no. the small village that he ruled over didnt like him and only paid their taxes and worshipped him so they could gain his favour. but he never did, he was so focused on himself and his image that he ended up going broke and when the villagers found out, they revolted, took the money he had left and packed their bags to live in a better place. during their revolt, I had been parted from the Lord and had been begging people to let me come with them but they smiled sympathetically and told me they couldn't risk taking me in under the possibility that Lotd Erwin might kill to take me back. when all the people left I made my way to the library and began reading a book on the natives of this land, hoping that reading about something I loved would help take my mind off what the villagers had said. s young boy who I took in as my own son ran to me and told me that I was needed in the garden. I quickly marked my page and made my way to where I had been called to. I found Lord Erwin looking down at a piece of paper that had familiar writings on it. the Lord was handsome and a head and half taller than me, he looked down concerningly at the paper. "you studied the natives right? can you read this?" he handed me the paper and my eyes widened. the note was a threat that if we didnt gove them their land back then they would attack and take it by force. I told him and he said to pack his things, that we were going to visit them in the morning. I nodded and walked away. my head buzzed with excitement, o had only ever read about the people, never had I had a chance to meet them and study them up close. the morning came and we made our way towards the natives settlement by foot becuase the villagers had taken the horses and carriages. the little boy, Charlie, walked beside me holding my hand, bouncing with excitement. when we reached the settlement, I had to act as translator for the Lord and let the tribes leader know that we surrender the and that is rightfully theirs as long as they promise to let us live with them in peace. they agreed to the terms and helped up settle in. lord Erwin demanded that he get his own tent with mine beside his. they people looked at him in confusion as I translated, only the chief gets his own tent. they chief let him have his own small tent but lord Erwin had to build it himself. he looked at me for help becuase I knew how to build one but being apart of their tribe made me feel like my own person and I denied helping him. I slept in the natives elder tent so they could teach me to heir customs and traditions, many I want aware of. my clothes changed from the tailored suits to comfortable colourful loose dresses, traditionally wore by the elders children. Charlie learned to make his own clothes by the mothers and other children of the village. while we lived happily, Erwin grew upset, feeling isolated and separated from everyone else. one day, I had begged the fisherman to let me come with them on their trip, warning me of the dangers they let me join. while the oarsman and I sat in the boat, the two others swam along side it in the water to grab the traps filled with fish. when suddenly we were attacked by a crocodile. fell out of the boat while the fisherman tried to climb back in. I wasn't able to swim and me thrashing around drew the crocodile towards me. the oarsman hit it on the head as one of the fisherman dragged me into the boat and quickly rushed back to the village. my lungs were raw from the water that filled them and I was shivering. the elder kept me by their fire in their tent and helped me dress in a night gown that young unmarried women wore. she warned me that if another man sees me in that nightgown, then that man would either marry me, or if I didnt want him, he would be banished. I understood the terms and the elder ran her hands through my damp hair as I fell asleep. when woke up, I was thirsty and headed out with a long shawl to cover myself as I went to their well. as I got myself a drink, a hand rested on my shoulder. the gesture was sudden and the person scared me. when I tried to scream, their hand covered my mouth. when turned, it was Erwin who looked livid. this had been the first time I was alone since I denied to help him and now that he caught me alone, he decided I needed to be punished for disobeying. he shoved a gag in my mouth and bent my arm at an uncomfortable position as he tried my hands together and used them to push me forward, guiding me to the forest line. the tear were swelling in my eyes as o didnt know what awaited me in the forest. we were told not to go in there because bandits and criminals lived there. we walked for hours before I saw the lights of torches. as we entered the village, the people all had their eyes on me. Erwin led me to one of the building and where I entered, the strong smell of sex filled my head. i started panicking and trying to fight him but he wouldn't let me go and kept guiding me towards the stairs, where some rooms were empty and the ones that werent had moans and giggles coming from them. I started crying as Erwin threw me on his shoulder and carried me up, I tried kicking him but my legs couldn't reach any spot that would cause any damage, the sight being one of entertainment for the patrons. Erwin went to an empty room and threw me on the bed, slamming and locking the door with a key that he hid from my eyes. he glared at me, eyes filled with venom. he talked about how he had trusted me for so long and how I was his advisor but the minute we entered that village I make a fool of him and betrayed him. he was delusional. saying that he thought I loved him but I became the whore for the natives and how Charlie is a baby from one of them. he was so stuck in his own head that he didn't know that he was wrong and when I wanted to explain the truth he became violent and attacked me, ripping off the shawl I used to shield myself. the night gown I wore had a long slit up the thigh and low v neck line, it was made out of a delicate sheer fabric that was almost see through in the moonlight. hos eyes widened and softened. "you did this? for me?" I was confused by his words but true gag prevented me from making out any audible words. his eyes were glazed over as he looked at my body, running his hands over every curve. my throat tightened as he touched me. "I knew it, I knew you loved me." my eyes widened as he pulled me in for a hug, I could feel the bulge in his pants press against my stomach as my eyes filled with tears again. he buried his face in my chest and took a deep breath before looking at me. "were going to have a beautiful family."