The Attack of Beetles, a Weird Man, and Bipolar Spongebob

Date: 6/29/2019

By TheMeaningOfRecit

In this dream, it started with me and 2 other people in a room. The first one is Carly, one of my classmates, but the other is unknown. The room had white walls and a ceiling, and a gray carpet floor. There was two beds and a wooden dresser in the room. The two beds were beside each other. The blankets were maroon and the rest of it was white. The frame looked like fake wood and was dark brown. There was also a mirror above the dresser. The mirror showed the reflection of the room, but everyone was invisible in it. There was also a wooden door on my right side of the dresser on the right wall. The person and I were watching Carly sitting on the bed nearest to the door. Carly was on a tablet. I asked her what it was. She just gave it to me. When I looked at the tablet, the whole dream turned into its screen. It was all blue except for some turquoise bars at the top and bottom. For some reason, I already knew that it was a type of word counting app. There was 4 lines of white text on the blue that I couldn't read. Then it focused on one line at a time until all were shown. Here is what each line said: Letters: 0 Words: 0 Sentence: 0 Paragraph: 0 Only two things were pluralized. Then it turned back to the room. I was still on the floor with the other person. Then, lots of black beetles started coming from under the two beds. I tried to not get any on me. They wouldn't climb anything; they would just stay on the floor. Then the person and I got on the other bed and stood up. Our heads almost touched the ceiling. When we was getting on the bed, I had to look away to see the bed, so when I turned around, instead of beetles coming from the beds, there was a geyser of beetles in the middle of the room. Then I looked on the tablet again. This time, there was text on the blue that said "100 sentences". After a few seconds, 3 sentences appeared one by one, but I don't remember any of them. After the last one, the list of letters to paragraph appeared. This time, there was different numbers, but I forgot half of them. All I know is that there was a single digit number of letters, a double digit of words, 100 sentence, and 465 paragraph. When I said "There really is 100 sentences", the 100 changed to 101. Then I looked at the beetles, and they filled the room. You couldn't see the floor anymore, and the bugs reached as high as almost the top of the two beds. The geyser stopped. I don't know whether the mirror showed the beetles or not because I never looked at it. Then I said that I was going to get my mom. I went towards the door, walking on the beetles like they were the floor, and when I reached the door, I teleported out of it. Now I was in a classroom with a chalkboard, a wooden desk, and 12 student desks facing towards the chalkboard and teacher desk. The room was shaped like a rectangle, with the chalkboard on one of the short sides, except for one corner to my right of the chalkboard that had a diagonal 5th wall where the door was. On the right was tan one-story lockers. On the left was a big and long window. There was people in all the student desks and a teacher at the chalkboard. Everyone was frozen in place. Mom was at the middle of the second row. I came to her and said to come with me. She said that she can't because she's in the middle of something, but I can take her "grandma" and pointed to the person in front of her. It wasn't her grandma; it was a realistic version of Stan Smith's dad from American Dad. I took his hand and pulled him to the door, and he got up and came with me, not saying a word. When I opened the door, I was in the hallway of my middle school. The door was where my 8th grade history teacher’s door was supposed to be. There was no other doors or rooms in the hall. I went towards the other hallway while pulling the person I had. I went to a door next to the 7th grade stairs. When I went in, it was the beetle room, but all of the beetles were gone. The 2 people were gone too. I told the person that there was bugs everywhere. He still didn't say anything. After a few seconds of silence, the scene switched. In this scene, I was behind my high school (this was before I even went to high school) with my sister and cousin at night. The area around the school was different. It was just a field of grass surrounded by a wooden fence, and outside of the fence was just an endless dark void. My cousin went to stairs with concrete banister-like short walls. It led to halfway opened tan double doors that was opened towards the inside. There was a floating blueish-gray metal box with a screen on the front of it. When my cousin went in front of the screen, it scanned her with a red light. After that, the screen showed a neon green grid floor with an all dark green checkered background. My cousin’s first name showed up in neon green letters. Then she walked in. When the doors opened, the box just stayed in place, and she walked through the box. My sister did the exact same thing, but the screen showed everything blue instead of green and my sister’s full name appeared. When I started walking, the camera changed places and was showing me, the stairs, the doors, and the box, all from the right side of the stairs. When the box scanned me, the screen showed the same thing again, but this time, it was red, and text I can't remember appeared. It looked like 3 words separated by hyphens and only the first letter was capital. If I remember correctly, the words looked of Hebrew origin. My sister teleported behind me and said "That name means you're not invited". I walked in anyway. The camera went back to 1st person and the inside of the building was the middle school gym, but instead of the main door being beside the bleachers, the door was replacing another door nearby and was the one I came through. There was a bunch of people on the bleachers, and what looked like a basketball game going on. The black side bars of the bleachers were gone. I looked at one of the people. They wore a purple and green vertically striped shirt and blue and yellow striped pants. They had brown hair too. I walked up to them and said "It". Then he got up and chased me out the door. When I ran outside, there was now trees in random spots. I ran to the right and while running, I saw Allie, a classmate, sitting on a short wooden wall of many surrounding a small tree. Inside of these walls were dirt with the tree on top. Allie wore a shirt, pants, and shoes, and all of it was yellow. She ran towards me and then I said "It's coming". She looked at the man and started running with me. We ran to the other side and then made a U-turn to the far right corner. This corner had a tiny rectangular garden of food that grows under the ground. It was high up and held up by dirt and all of it was surrounded by a diamond fence. We quickly jumped the fence and stood on the garden. The man tried to climb it, but struggled, which took enough time for us to jump the fence again. Surprisingly, the man did not notice us escape. After a few seconds, he successfully got over the fence, and right when that happened, a 2D poorly drawn long white beard and Shaggy's shirt appeared on the man. He sat in the garden with bent knees and laying on the wooden fence. Allie turned into cartoon Scooby. After a few more seconds, I walked over to the left side of the garden. There were stairs next to the garden that wasn't there before. It looked just like my bunk bed stairs and even had the banisters. There was a black and white 2D stereotypical anime girl sitting on the top of the stairs, with the stereotypical design, face, skirt, and weird long pig tail hair things. By black and white, I mean the only two colors were black and white. She had a big black outline around her and the outline had a smaller white line inside it. I don't know anymore details about her. She wasn't moving at all. After a while, she turned into a black square, and a few more seconds later, old black and white videos started appearing inside the square. I forgot what the videos were. Then the scene switched again. This time, I wasn't in it. It was the first Spongebob movie, but with a bunch of changes. The amazing thing about this scene was that since the Spongebob movie was on the real TV at the time, the dream synced up EXACTLY with the TV. I know this because when the dream ended, I saw the TV and the movie left off where the dream ended. This scene started with the scene of the Cyclops taking Spongebob and Patrick away, but instead of the Cyclops, it was Dennis. Then the scene switched. This is the exact scene where Spongebob asks Patrick where the air bag is. This ended when Spongebob said, "How will we get back to Bikini Bottom now?" After that, instead of hearing David Hasselhoff, you hear Patrick, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and Sandy all saying "Spongebob!" Then the camera shows them running them towards Spongebob, and Patrick was with them instead of Spongebob. Then no one did anything for a few seconds. Then out of nowhere, Spongebob started chasing the others with raised arms while doing an evil laugh. After a while, the scene switches to cartoon Bikini Bottom. All of them including Spongebob was being chased by an unknown thing, because the camera didn't show the thing. This scene was at a road in the middle of nowhere with some purple coral in the background. The camera first shows Squidward, who is last. His body was made up of simple shapes in a mess. He was wearing a brown shirt but this time, had brown pants too. Then the camera kept moving slowly to the right and showed Sandy, who wasn't wearing her suit, but instead had green and purple shorts and no shirt. She also looked like when she turned insane in the second Spongebob movie. Then it showed Patrick, who wore a yellow bikini. Mr. Krabs was next, and had his normal clothes. Spongebob was in front of everyone and had normal clothes. He was smiling the whole time. After a few moments, he jumped on Mr. Krabs head and started running on it. His head started twisting. When he was done, his head stayed twisted and looked like a swirl. Then he jumped on Patrick and did the same thing. He did this to all the characters and then walked on their heads back to the front where he was. Right after he got there, he pushed all of them away and into the mysterious thing, and ran again. Then the scene switched again. There was now 3 big fish pirates on a realistic boat. The camera showed one of the pirate's head to the right and the other two pirates in the background. I forgot exactly what they look like, but I know that they look like tough pirates with tattoos. Also, one of them was blue, another was orange, and the front was purple. Spongebob came out of nowhere and twisted each pirate's head like last time. After the purple pirate's head was twisted, Spongebob jumped towards the camera. Dennis's arm comes from the right and grabs Spongebob and pulls him to the right. The scene switches once more. This scene is exactly like the part where Dennis says, "You got guts, kid". After Dennis says, "See ya later fools", the camera points toward Dennis's head on the right just like the purple pirate. David is now the realistic boat. Then, Spongebob comes up from below and behind Dennis. He has a grin and his eyes are halfway closed, like a chill face. SpongeBob says, "Behind you." Dennis looks behind and the 3 pirates come up from below. All of them look angry at Dennis and the orange one is punching his hand, a common gesture. This is where the dream ends.