Date: 3/30/2018
By samthelamb
I was on the beach chilling and relaxing. —————- My family and I ride on this ark. I was sitting where there is hole which is a window. First big wave come through. the ark begin to rise higher. We reached the peace and dropped down. The process kept repeating like a Roller Coaster. ——————- We arrived at shore. Walking through the sand. Then we had to swim through the shallow water that is full of tadpoles. I felt gross and I didn’t care. We climbed on that hill and saw some people. ———————————- some how I ended up at a tunnel. There are workers and families. I turned left with my mom. Next thing I saw a jaguar behind us. The worker said it’s okay. it won’t hurt you. We proceeded. The jaguar walked along beside my mom. I jumped every time it lean toward me to smell me. The tunnel lead through to a typical store. Clothing on the left. Candies on the right. The jaguar begin to attacked us. I evaded. Candies knocked all over the place. The lady came and grab the jaguar’s collar. I cleaned the candy after. ———————————- I think this is one dream but I’m forgetting some part of it.