
Date: 10/4/2016

By falleen

I was in a shopping centre (Raffles City) with my friend Pamela and other 2 girls I think. I think one of the girls had some strange power. She reminded me a little of Eleven from Stranger Things except she wasn't so socially inept. While we were shopping, this girl disappeared somewhere, and shortly after, we saw a blinding flash of light coming from some far corner and an explosion sound. Strangely enough, no one near us thought it was abnormal and everyone continued shopping. That weird girl joined us later. We noticed large boils starting to form on our skin shortly after the explosion. There weren't many, just a scattering on our arms and legs, but they were big enough to be repulsive. I started popping those boils so that it wouldn't look so obvious. Of course they formed obvious scars but a while later the scars started to disappear. I don't know how long we took or if my dream shifted to another day of shopping but it was obvious some time had passed and we were back in the same shopping centre again. This time there was just me, that weird girl, and another girl. We went into one of those expensive boutiques, but shortly after we stepped through the glass doors, that weird girl pushed us back out and started to scrunch her face in pain and made a loud screeching noise. Somehow I knew I had to run somewhere far away, so I ran to one of the exits, but before that I saw a bright short flash of light emanating from the boutique. It was powerful enough to blind everyone in the shopping centre for a moment and it was followed by an explosion. Luckily I wasn't hurt but afterwards I saw boils forming on my skin again, and I knew that weird girl had something to do with this phenomenon. I have no idea why but suddenly my dream changed to a different scenario but in the same shopping centre! I was with Pamela again and we were shopping for lipsticks (mine was a darker red and she chose something that was pink-purplish). She was also at the shopping centre to give a mysterious guy she hasn't met a present. But for some reason, she doesn't really want him to see her so she arranged to drop it off at a certain location at a certain time and we will hide somewhere just to make sure he picks it up. But unknown to us, we already saw each other earlier while we were shopping. I noticed a tall good looking Caucasian guy with curly hair while we were at the basement, and I supposed he noticed my friend carrying a huge box. So at the designated time, we brought the box to the designated location, put it on the floor and went to hide somewhere. Then we saw him pick it up. Then he walked straight up to us and said hi. We were quite shocked of course but we seemed to get along well and afterwards he invited us up to his apartment nearby. His apartment was beautiful, spacious and expensive. And he was a gracious host, giving me a spare bedroom to sleep in. I don't know why the hell were we staying overnight. I think he and Pam slept elsewhere. Anyway when I woke up in the morning, I went to his living room where he had full height glass windows and looked out into the beautiful sea. There was also a pier within walking distance, a broadwalk and many elegant wooden structures that formed part of the boardwalk's architecture. It was then I realised that this wasn't Singapore and I really don't recognise any of these landmarks..and it has to be because I'm in a dream! I tried to hold on to this realisation and the dream but couldn't because my stupid mind just wanted me to wake up. As usual everything became very vivid and I heard a loud whooshing noise and static before i woke up.