
Date: 1/12/2020

By Caswillsaveme

I was in a dream inside the dream, I was able to share and control that dream with other people we were all controlling it together and I was fully aware of myself and the fact that we were controlling the dream. A lot occurred in it but I decided it was time to go back to reality and wake up. I was awake but the next part of the dream took place in some type of choir room, my choir was there and we were sitting in choir risers. But because I had been in that dream state for so long the reality state seemed different and not real, I knew that if I did something or said something it was real and would effect my life for real but it felt like I was still dreaming and that it wouldn't effect it. I knew it would but yeah. I tell my friend in choir, Martha, about the reality shift situation. Then I'm like going through my instagram and see that I had been posting shit while I had been dreaming and I didnt know it. The first two posts were regular shit I would post but the third one was me crying and having a breakdown and yelling about some shit about these girls in my choir and I named specific names too. (Tamara, etc...) Then I was like fuck I have to delete this I dont want them to think I'm starting shit with them when I wasnt even aware I posted any of this. Then I'm like fuck and I'm trying to delete this post before too many people see it, but this fucking guy keeps taking my phone and I'm like freaking out.