spy, sailor, coach

Date: 7/20/2016

By Viking Bubbles

started out in a scene from the James Bond fil For Your Eyes Only. I was s CIA agent tasked with making sure that the Russians failed to acquire the British technology. I flew a helicopter to the top of the mountain meet, and started killing. I was then on a U.S. missile subnarine, and we received orders to apin up an ICBM. We were ordered to launch, but given no target coordinates, so we didn't fire. We sat with a missile ready to fire and no target. Then I was on an Arleigh Burke Destroyer, and we were fighting a submarine. We killed the sub, but it hit us with a torpedo, and the ship sank. There were a handful of survivors in rhe water, and a merchant ship from England. The crew of rhe merchant saw a US Navy ship, so they left us in the water for our pwople to rescue. Then I was helping to coach a foitball team my daughter was playing on. I was trying to hwlp the quarterback get the pitch out to the running back right using a rugby style throw. When it was starting to work, I woke up.