Digital art, A group of CNAs and an RN navigate through a dimly lit hospital with a dark blue tint, encountering tension and exclusion among themselves, until a mysterious stranger takes the protagonist on a journey to reveal hidden aspects of the hospital.

Cna possibly?

Date: 7/7/2023

By Hikertrash48

I don’t really remember a whole lot about this dream. It did start out at what I’m assuming was supposed to be a hospital, but it was rather dim and everything had this almost dark blue tint to it coming off the lamps overhead. I was with a group of three or four other CNAs (I think) and an RN. We’re going room to room as the RN is talking to us, and for some reason I felt like I didn’t belong there. There was one girl in particular that seemed to really not like me and didn’t really acknowledge that I was there. At some point a guy comes up and tells me that it’s obvious I’m not welcome in that group, and show them what they failed to see. I went with him and we continued going room to room in this hospital doing various random things for this hospital. The odd thing was I didn’t see a single patient or other staff member other than my OG group and the guy.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, the hospital setting represents a place of healing and caregiving. The dim lighting and dark blue tint could symbolize a sense of emotional heaviness or negativity in the environment. As you move through the hospital with the group of CNAs and RN, there is a feeling of not belonging and being excluded. This may reflect a disconnection or perceived lack of acceptance within a group or community in your waking life. The girl who does not acknowledge your presence suggests a specific individual who might represent someone in your life who holds negative feelings toward you or does not recognize your worth. This could indicate a personal conflict or tension that you might be experiencing in your waking life. When the guy approaches you and tells you that you are not welcome in the group, it may signify an internal or external recognition of your outsider status. His presence could represent an aspect of yourself that recognizes the need for change or a desire to prove yourself to those who have overlooked your abilities. As you continue to explore the hospital with this guy, it implies a shift in your focus and attention. The fact that you do not encounter any patients or other staff members suggests a narrowing down of your perception and focus on a specific aspect of your professional or personal life, rather than the broader context. Overall, this dream suggests feelings of exclusion and not being recognized for your abilities or contributions. It may reflect your desire to find your place and gain acknowledgment in a particular group or community. Consider exploring these feelings of alienation and consider whether there are steps you can take in your waking life to address these concerns and seek a sense of acceptance and belonging.