$carecrow the Terror

Date: 10/31/2016

By Anarcha

[This dream is in present-tense. I woke up at like 1:30 in the morning just to write this down since I thought it was so neat, for some reason.] I'm tagging behind Scarecrow, one of the singers of the rap band $uicideboy$, following him behind this downtown building. There's the normal city noises in the background, but where we are there was nobody, as we were behind the buildings. It is isolated and it is a gloomy day. I think Scarecrow is in a bad mood, as usual. I go places with him all the time; he's like an older brother to me. He had picked me up from school in his crappy little car. He opens up a garage door-looking thing to a warehouse and this is where he works. I run a bit ahead of him and open up a gate that I had to life one part out and away from the other or something. So this was a normal thing that I did to help Scare, but today there was someone else in the little workshop-garage thing. Usually it was just Scare, so for some reason I felt a bit uncomfortable. This whole time so far, Scare and I haven't exchanged any words. I might've been scared to say anything that would tick him off. I casually relaxed by the gate thing and waited for Scare to get whatever he needed. However, after a moment, he called me over towards him and the other guy that was in there. I quickly closed the gate - I hadn't already because I thought we were going to be in and out of there fast - and went up to them. Scare had this thing that looked like a rug just big enough for me to sit cross-legged on; on the ends, there was a bit of plastic lining the edges. It kind of reminded me of a car rug. Since it was new, though, on the plastic there were still chunks attached to it. It was like an unfolded box, only the edges on the far side of the plastic were a bit more rounded and trapezoid-like. The closest I can describe it to is an unfolded box. For some reason, this was supposed to be an iPhone. Scare asked me if I could use a pair of scissors to cut the access pieces off so it was just the rectangular part in the middle, but after I said yes he then changed his mind and asked me to use a knife instead. I thought he was angry all this time, but he smiled at me and clarified with me that I would safely be able to use the knife. He had changed his mind about the scissors because he thought that was more dangerous. I was sitting on the thing to hold it still and began slicing off the access, the cutting being along the plastic edges. Scare and his friend worked around me a little bit, but Scare every now and again looked down at me and talked to me kindly or told me I was doing a good job at cutting off the thick pieces. He was also telling me that the person he was getting this to would be happy it finally arrived, but I actually knew who that person was - it was my friend, Robert - so I was like saying, yeah, I know it, and I'm happy to be doing this. Once I was finished, Scare thanked me, and since he seemed happy, I was happy.