Swimming Lessons Paid For By Work

Date: 7/24/2024

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

I'd joined my workplace for swimming lessons that they had apparently paid for. The guy who was running them turned up to show us the way to the changing rooms. However, on the way, I was distracted by someone who came up to me and said they needed help with their mobile bill. Upon assisting with the person's bill, I then panicked as I realized I had no idea where the changing rooms were. My brother, who was apparently there as well even though he works a different job, offered to show me, but he got lost trying to find his way back. Eventually, someone from my workplace took me to the right place. I got undressed then left through the door at the other side. I was horrified when I realized I was now outside whilst fully naked, and appeared to be near a McDonald's. I quickly hurried back inside, and found my way to the swimming pool.