Date: 6/16/2018
By Ainsley_dreamz
This dream was really weird and confusing. At the beginning (I think this part was based off a show I watched) my friends and I were sitting at a table and we were dating each other to make out with other people. When it was my turn they told me to kiss this guy in my class named David. They thought I couldn't do it but I did (which is so not something I would do in real life). Then my class was walking outside. Outside was beautiful and had all of these cool places to explore. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. As we were walking outside, this boy named Dom (who IRL my friend says he has a crush on me) asked me "so do you want to kiss me?" And I said "no." He started following me as I was walking away and saying "come on, Ainsley. Do you want to dance?" He started putting his arm around me but I pushed it away and in a tenser tone I once again said "no." I was walking away super fast when all of a sudden he came in front of me and pulled my hand out. He put his on top of mine. We danced for a few seconds until I once again pushed him away and said "no." I was trying to contact my friend so she could help me because I was really uncomfortable and I just wanted this guy to go away. But my phone was at 1% and my friend was nowhere to be seen. When Dom wasn't looking I quickly ran to an alley where these two other boys were. There was a charger there. I plugged my phone in. The guys said "hey that's our charger." "Well too bad," I said. "I need it to contact my friend." As I started texting Emma, the guys kept trying to look at my phone. Then I started writing in this journal and the dream ended. So yea it was super weird because this guy has never acted anything like this around me or anyone