The Ghoul

Date: 11/18/2016

By dreamwalker

Flashes of a farm, a farm that seemed or once was familiar to me like from a memory. Two kids laughing can't really make them out crouching hiding from something, dream shifts there are adults something horribly disturbing is going on they are skinning alive another person, I start sensing evil and fear. Dream shifts back to children they are summoning something something horrible awful not of this world or realm, they summoned the ghoul. It's a soul once I should say was a soul it's been rotting twisted and preverted by things manners not of here. The smell I can smell it rotten like flesh the agony the soul it's self is in the inner hatred of itself and others. I run in the dream but this thing in some way is sticky and I can't get away from its sticky as in trying to attached and cling to ,me. I'm becoming aware of myself and am waking up out of dream the feeling and smell is in my room horror is rendering me immobile I'm in a deep sweat, a sweat I've not felt for years. I immediately start to pray to God and recite the Hail Mary which soon falters I can't remember it. So I switch to the Lord's Prayer something is fighting my mind doing everything possible to make me stop think of other things, forget wants me to forget, I'm stubborn it works I continue to pray to the lord think of his angels and almighty light, I feel alone in my room at some point I fell back to sleep but not a restful one a sleep in which the littlest noise you'd jump up out in a start. This has been one of my most vivid night terrors I've had in a while. I do wish and hope not for another one. If we do indeed visit other worlds in our sleep I pray and hope I do not return to this one. " Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thine name, thy kingdom come thine will be done as earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tress pass against us , and lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil." AMEN.