A secret

Date: 4/9/2022

By Jade_Shadow13

We were given an assignment. And my teacher told us that it had to be related to the topic he gave is. All of us had to sing too. Anyway, none of us had time to practice, so we just had to sing on the fly. While the class singing perfecly well, I didn't know the lyrics. A student gave me a small book that had the lyrics and I had to sing it. I couldn't find where we left off (and I even asked her). I ended up making it up from what I heard them sing. This was the closing lyrics to the song." The lyrics I sang went something like: "I just wanted it to be a secret, secret!" "I don't think that they would keep it, keep it!" "I just want to be a secret, secret!" "I don't think they would keep it a secret!' "A secret!" It had a quick tempo like "dunDANdunDAN" The dream ended with our teacher critiquing our song, and comparing it with what we did, to what we should have done.