Date: 8/30/2020
By Onii
This will be a bit lengthy because I had three extremely different but corresponding dreams all in one night, and I’m excited I can remember them for this long. I had a dream that one of my friends Tracy died and I was in so much shock but my other friends weren’t really bothered. I didn’t understand why. The whole time we were getting ready to audition for America’s next top model, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how Tracy was dead. And then Tracy walks in the door to my room and I’m like freaking out because what the hell this bitch is supposed to be dead. And I’m like “I thought you died.” And she’s like no not me the other Tracy. And we did know another girl named Tracy in real life. Nobody likes her anymore because she was doing some shady stuff and it’s believed she messes with some dark witch craft/ black magic stuff. So we all end up at the audition. We end up separating and I wake up. I quickly go back to sleep and I’m then on a road trip with my friend Amy and Tracy. We end up stopping somewhere at this tavern looking place to get cookies. I was the only one who went inside because it’s supposed to be quick. The people felt familiar but unknown at the same time. I vaguely remember some tall lanky looking guy asking me if I’d ever do long distance to which I said “sorry but no” and walked away. They were friendly but the customers felt like employees and the employees felt like customers. Everyone knew everyone, and because I was an outsider, they tried their best to get to know me. I ended up forgetting what I initially went in for and ended up getting a whole bunch of groceries. When I went to check out, there was a really long line of people even the employees. I heard someone direct everyone to the front like a congregation, but they really weren’t being led into a discussion. They just stood around and talked to each other about anything. Slowly they moved away and I was able to make it to the front. Apparently one of the juices I had gotten had a small hole. The cashier told me about it she but rung it up anyway. A different guy behind the counter tried to talk me into signing up for a meal ticket so I could shop for free. I declined because this is taking way to long and we don’t necessarily live around there. At one point, Amy comes in and pays for the groceries. We leave and the juice from earlier is completely leaking now. I go back in and like before, everyone has migrated to the cashiers counter. I say hello (similarly in a way that a YouTuber I watch does) and somebody starts saying the intro and then EVERYONE in the store chimes in. I do too and someone else smiles at me. I think I mention how nice the place is and how I hate I have to go. An old woman says I could stay. But I don’t. I wake up again and go back to sleep. I’m with the same group from the store. This time we’re in Venice, Italy. Turns out they’re all witches with some dark allegiance only the younger people don’t really want to follow the traditions. Which makes one woman so mad she turns into a demon and yells at us. I’m wondering how I even made it here with these people. This cult. And then I woke up for the final time.