Date: 7/15/2020
By lucyv17
Disclaimer: This was basically a recurring dream/nightmare/I don’t even know what it was that I had a lot when I was really young. So I’m in my backyard, just kind of chillin in the grass, minding my own bussiness. Well, as you guessed, this didn’t last long. All of a sudden, this giant-ass monster thing covered in broccoli appears in my yard. Naturally, I was like wtf is happening, like one minute I’m layin down playing crossy road on my iPod 4, and the next there’s this creepy thing covered in a well disliked vegetable. So I start running, and basically am being full on chased. I try to go in my house through the sliding door, but it’s locked. Then I hide behind the grill, where my dad was making burgers or something, but he finds me. I try the other door, but no luck again. I’m hella confused, because I literally came out through one of the doors, so who the heck locked them. My family is nowhere in sight. I’m all alone, left to die. But that’s when I realize....that monster is none other than my own dad. I can see it in his eyes (It should be noted that, at the time, my dad tended to be a sort of psycho killer in my dreams from time to time. Idk why it didn’t really make a whole lot of sense, mentally. But neither do any of my dreams tbh). So ya, I feel pretty betrayed, and basically just run around for a while until I eventually wake up.