Date: 4/1/2020
By clointoronto
The kids were going to watch a movie with a bunch of other kids (something like Scouts). I was helping; the kids were in two lineups outside waiting to get into the theatre. One row went down (had my son in it) so I went down with him to get him seated. Ran upstairs to get my daughters group but they were already coming down. I told one of the women I had to run to take a pee. As I get to the top, she tells me to hurry cause she wants to introduce me to the speaker (I feel she wanted to hook me up with him). When I was in the washroom, it felt like it took forever to pee. Finally I ran outside to see if anyone else was waiting but the door was open for anyone to come in. So I walked downstairs, found my kids and the place was full but they had people sitting at tables at the bottom of the theatre gobbing up peoples hands with sanitizer - so much that the sanitizer was dripping like crazy from everyone’s hands. That’s all I really remember.