sneaking out??

Date: 11/11/2018

By alyssa:)

in the dream i was at this persons house, and i guess i was staying over. but it was with "responsible" parents too so sneaking out wasn't allowed and stuff. anyways, i asked the parents if i could walk around town for an hour and they said yes but to buy something from a store that they needed. the town was beautiful. there were white christmas lights hung everywhere, mistletoes in front of entrances, wreaths on lamp posts, and everyone dressed in warm hats and sweaters. is was the best feeling ever! i walked to the store to get the items first, then put it in my pocket to walk around town. as i was crossing the street, a car slammed on its breaks bc they didn't stop for me soon enough. i ran out of the way and dropped the stuff i'd bought, the car running it over and not looking back. a boy helped me up and this man WAS SOOOOO FINE! he smiled at me and i smiled back, the dorkiest ever. he was a tall light skin, with brown curly hair. we started talking and we had so much in common. we walked around so much i forgot about the items i was supposed to bring home. then it was getting late, around 12 am, i told him i should get home. then we ran into a sign that said there was a movie at 2 am, and we HAD to go together. we talked about it and decided to meet up. i came home empty handed and was yelled at but i didn't care cause i was seeing someone in 2 hours! at 2 am i snuck out to meet him and we had the time of our lives. i swear i fell in love but then i woke up