Chaos with my best friend

Date: 2/13/2018

By nexus

It was a dream i think but a very interesting one, I suffered a death of a family member so it couldn't have been an astral projection, matter of fact i think I remember myself saying this is a lucid dream experience to my best friend. The scenario was In my home town and it showed some kid being interviewed and stuff, I don't know what for or who this guy even was, he looked to be around my age if not maybe a year or two, me and my best friend were at the speech but justt as soon as we leave there were to gunshots and I saw my mom and dad die, the shooter was in a dark grey hoody and light grey sweatpants. I am and my best friend were the only ones able to use powers in the lucid dream and the shooter ran into a projects building trying to escape and I climb the outside of the building ferociously trying to find him and when we did I had killed him in a very graphic manor and my friend had helped with it aswell, I realise after waking up that it might have been a simulation of some sorts of certain scenarios that could happen I then become calm and we start to leave that side of town, I am recalling other dream worlds during the dream and certain places and people that I would love to show my best friend who is finally with me on these adventures of mine, I grab him by both shoulders and look him dead in the eye asking him if he will remember this when we wake up and his response felt so real coming from him, he had insisted me that he would remember almost annoyed at my attempt to keep him lucid, we're gonna stay out forever and explore all my past dreams and he asks me where we're going and I wanted to first show him the mall I seem to always gain lucidity at or the cafe around the corner from my home town though it felt far away and out of place during the dream. I tell him I'll show him the things I always been talking about since he's the only one I actually tell in real life. I tell him that we're gonna go long distances and that we would need to fly to get there and his response was priceless and exactly like him, he tells me he knows and that he's got it though with no previous experience of control just like the real life version of him would do. I start to fly and float around him as he prepares himself to fly I look around to see exactly where we were at and from what I can tell it was a highway type place with small hills on the side away from it (where we were) then a small bridge of this swampy type area, no place that I've been before though it reminded me of a part of the map in gta 5. I begin to feel the urge to fly around and I went through these gaps between the bridge and fly back to my friend and he keeps insuring me that he knows and to just give him a second and that he'll be up in no time but it was to late and I wake up a little bit disappointed and I immediately go to my phone and ask him if he remembered anything.