Date: 10/8/2018

By iishgenosisii

I was at the 99 cent store and I think my sister left me. So I was in my thought. I was in a white room kind of like a hostpital and I was going in a room but outside the room were 2 people. A girl and a guy. The guy I like and the girl i think that likes him. She was being lovey dovey and I was upset. I went inside the room and my friend was with me giving me a look. The 'I know look'. She knew I still cared for him that I was jealousy dissapointed and sad. I was embarrassed she knew, she always knew how I felt and I didnt like it. I was messing around with took distracting myself but it wasnt chancing my emotion, we didnt talk about it thought it bothered me more. Then my thoughts trailed off as I'm now panicking of where my sister went. There was security or a cop in front of my eyeing me. I tried to act casual so he doesnt take me and my sister sees me and pulls up closer to me and I get into the car.