Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An intense infatuation ignites in Mexico, where a persistent worker named Carlos aggressively pursues the protagonist against her will until she confronts him and declares her unwavering rejection.

Intense infatuation in Mexico

Date: 3/23/2024

By Ether_Erebus

I don’t remember the entirety of the dream, but basically we were down in Mexico for vacation and we are all about to leave. The day before, I was sharing a room with Harashdeep so she left a day early and was packing. We went to the common food area/bar and there was a dude named Carlos there who wouldn’t leave me alone. He was a worker and initially it started like a just conversation here and there and him just popping up here and there. But then, he got to the point where he was like aggressively pursuing and I kept saying no politely. The day that we were all leaving, Harashdeep left the day before so I was walking from one villa to another and he cornered me and tried to RAPE me. I kept pushing him away and kicked him in the shins and stomped on his foot and I went ballistic. Once he let go I sprinted and hid from him in Savleen’s room in the corner. The dream was basically night time/ dark and everyone was packing before going to bed because we were leaving that day. But then mom walked in and didn’t close the door behind her and he fucking found me. I got incredibly angry and told him “I don’t want to be with you. I don’t want to live here in Mexico, you cannot make me happy. Can you make enough money as I do? Can you give me the same amount of money as a doctor, I’m a fucking doctor! No, no you fucking can’t. Leave me alone. I don’t like you nor do I want to have anything to do with you. Fuck, I don’t love you and I never will. Leave me the fuck alone. What is so hard to understand ?!?” And I’m screaming this, as I’m pushing him out of the room and trying to get control of my anger. There are other employees there who are looking at me like I’ve grown a separate head because of how incredibly mad I am. He seems to get the message and starts to walk away. The other employees watch him leave and also look at me and I tell them “keep fucking Carlos in fucking check. Holy fuck”. And I go to my room to pack my shit. I then wake up. The amount of anger I felt and anxiety that he wouldn’t stop, pissed me off.