Lost and Found Guinness in Dublin

Date: 9/27/2019

By kornkokerin

I was in a Minivan travelling Darrell, Jenny and a few other people i dont know. We were going to a remote area. Though the sky never changed, always grey, wet and windy, the scenery was beautiful, peaceful and green, and refreshing. Jenny was talking loudly with people in the car in Iban language and i couldnt understand all. So tried to google some of the words meaning but then i stopped and put down my phone realising that i shouldn't be missing any second of the sceneries outside the car. Then the Minivan took a break, parked the car in front of a block of shops. I was fascinated by a Gastropub with brown orangey squids coloured with smiling stars signboard. So i went out of the Minivan, to check out this Gastropub, intentionally leaving my phone behind because i thought i wouldn't be long. There were doors and windows but they were all shut. So, I walked on a small road leading to the back of the shop and found its main entrance. At the back of the Gastropub and all shops, i saw a tall long grey wall up to the sky. I felt very curious. However, I walked back towards to the front of the shops and the Minivan i was travelling on was gone! I immediately went to talk to a middle aged Chinese lady tourist nearby for help but she couldnt speak English and the rest of her group were so loud talking in Chinese, so i thought i had better ask for other people's help who can speak English. Then, like a miracle, i saw Munga going to the main entrance of the Gastropub. I thought what the hell, i need a break and went in after her. Inside, they served fried squids and some huge battered vegetable samosas, croquetes and a new finger food with oysters in it. So i took one each and enjoyed them with Munga, all of them were tasty! I asked Munga for help to give a text to Jenny saying "I am here with you (Munga)". I was so thirsty and I checked my pocket. I only had Eur70. I asked the barman how much was a pint of Guinness. He said, "3 pints would be Eur72". "How about Tiger?" i asked and he said, "Eur90". I told him that in Malaysia Tiger is cheaper than Guinness, but Guinness should be more cheaper here because it is a local drink. So i chose a pint of Guinness since i haven't tasted real genuine Guinness for such a long time and immediately they gave me a pint. Suddenly, i saw Darrell and Pak Abraham in the pub, with helmets on the table. So i joined them. I asked Darrell to taste my Guinness and asked for his opinion, between made in Malaysia vs local Guinness