selfmangling survival show??

Date: 3/9/2020

By ramagam

i was traveling with the same people i do elephant ears with and there was something sinister in the air that was making people do seriously fucked up stuff to themselves and then try to kill you too. so its early stages and were talking about which hand sanitizer is the best for you, im on the edge of a mattress and am slowly sinking even more till i fall through and am transported to an open field with my 'mom' and 'aunt' and were running from deranged people, not zombies, but still trying to eat us. yelling, grabbing, just real scary man. pretty soon people are showing up with these huge bikes, oldtimey ones with a comicly big front tire and the little one in the back to get away from these things. it almost feels like levels in a videogame where once you get past a certain point the 'theme' changes and your old wounds are gone but you still feel everything. after that one was a level of people in old ragged mascot costumes stabbing you with screwdrivers and pencils and laughing. next one was boxcutters, screws, and really long nails and it was set in a singing highschool in the 70s so everyones got the peace love thing happening but are fucking crazy and if you dont sing or you look scared they start going ham on you; and even if you are singing theyll randomly jostle you, which they did to me, to test you and its fucking terrifying. in this one andy was there which scared me even more because of his bluntness so i was trying to get him to play along with it so hed be safe, and i think at the end of it he was. but towards the end of that one a guy came after us, using a boxcutter to start slicing at his own face, scratching out one eye real good and half mangling the other but could still see; "saying my eyes are no good" " i got bad eyes" and just laughing. FUCK. forget how we killed him but did that, then there was another one who came stumbling around the corner after him, like "i have worse eyes, look, my eyes are so bad" and hed stuck to nails through them; again, one completely out and the other partial JUST enough so he was a problem for us... think i woke up after that but like... wtf brain