Digital art 4k scene from a movie: She was a woman, talking to Laila Hallingstad with a licorice lace straw sipping water from a glass halfway down her throat, on Oer Inge Torkelsen's radio show, and wolf-rabies.

jeg var en kvinne, og snakket med Laila Hallingstad med lakris-snøre sugerør med vann fra vannglass halvveis i halsen, hos Oer Inge Torkelsen radioshow, og ulve-rabies

Date: 8/13/2024

By monjanse

Jeg var en kvinne. jeg var hos nå avdøde Per Inge Torkelsen i radioprogrammet hans. han hadde lært meg hvordan å prate med Laila Hallingstad og andre folk såns som man gjør med en telefon, ved hjelp av lakris-snøre sugerør som jeg drikker vann fra i et vannglass, og lot vannet gli nedi halsen og holde pusten. Per Inge Torkelsen sa at jeg hadde visst lært det av ham, under live-sendingen sin på radioen sin. jeg var en ulve-unge i ørkenen og jeg og ulve-broren min lekte slik ulver gjør, mens mamma-ulv ledet oss inn igjennom et langt bur med hønsenetting. da hadde ulve-broren min rabies, og lekte litt for hardt med tennene, og bet meg sån at jeg også fikk rabies.

AI generated interpretation This dream contains a complex mix of symbols and themes that may represent various aspects of your psyche and emotions. The fact that you are a woman in the dream could symbolize a desire to explore or connect with feminine qualities within yourself, such as intuition, nurturing, or emotional expression. Talking with Laila Hallingstad, a likely unfamiliar figure, may represent a need for communication or connection with others in a unique or unconventional way. The use of a liquorice straw as a means of communication could suggest a blending of different influences or perspectives in your life. Water is often associated with emotions and the unconscious mind, so drinking water through the straw could symbolize the integration of your emotions and inner thoughts. Being in Per Inge Torkelsen's radio show may symbolize a desire for recognition or validation in your waking life. Learning from him could suggest a willingness to learn and grow from others, particularly in terms of communication and self-expression. The scene with the wolves introduces elements of wildness and instinctual behavior. Wolves are often seen as symbols of loyalty, strength, and survival instincts. Playing with the wolf sibling may represent a connection with your own primal instincts and a need for playfulness or freedom in your life. The presence of rabies in the dream could indicate feelings of aggression, anger, or internal conflict that may be causing distress or disruption in your life. The fact that both you and your wolf sibling contract rabies could suggest a shared struggle or challenge that you are both facing. Overall, this dream may reflect a desire for communication, connection, and exploration of different aspects of yourself. It may also point to unresolved emotions or conflicts that need to be addressed in order to achieve inner harmony and balance. Consider reflecting on these themes and how they may relate to your waking life to gain a deeper understanding of their significance.