In A K-Pop Group

Date: 7/15/2020

By CocoFuze

I was actively looking for a K-Pop group. I went to a recruiter table in an office building to inquire about anyone looking for new talent. The recruiter said that there wasn't much since the pandemic, but that there an event I could attend. She handed me a paper with details about the event. I took the paper and left, upset because I knew that going to the event meant that I had a very unlikely chance to get into a group that would debut sooner rather than later. I was walking around, when I ran into a group that was fairly popular then. The leader asked me if I knew who they were and I said yes. She asked me if I had heard their 2 latest songs and I told her that I hadn't yet. She was disappointed and told me that she was surprised that I hadn't heard their songs yet. I told her that I would definitely check out their 2 latest songs. While I walked around a music store being clumsy, I pulled out my phone and watched the group's music video for "Avocado ". I enjoyed the visuals, the dance and the song. I instantly learned the dance by just watching the video. I found the group in the music store again and told them I liked their music. I told the leader that I was looking to join a K-Pop and hadn't found any good leads. The leader asked me right then to sing and dance in front of them. I sung and dance with all the passion in my heart. The leader then told me that I danced and sang really well and that I was in. We walked around and talked and played some games together. Then the manager came. The leader said to the manager, "I have a surprise for you" with a big smile on her face. The leader then showed me to the manager. "This is our newest member, " she said excitedly. The manager looked unhappy and asked the leader, "Why would you add a new member? " The leader then said that the group was fine with it and that I had talent. The manager was so mad, that she struck one of the members with a plastic bottle. The leader tried to appease the manager and said that she would think about who to remove from the group. She then mentioned one of the members, saying that they had not been showing any progress in their time with the group. Deep in my heart, I knew that the leader wouldn't remove anyone from the group. The manager ran off. Then she came back with the intention of striking another member. That member blocked her. When it was obvious that the manager meant harm on us. We all split up and ran downstairs. The leader and I ran straight down the stairs. Other members split off at each level to different rooms. The manager couldn't keep up. The leader and I went to auditorium to meet up with the rest of the group to practice before a performance. Everyone was there. We split up the lines to adjust for the new addition to the group. Then we went out on the stage and performed for school kids. I saw people surprised by the new member in the group. I saw Katherine, the idiot woman with attitude problems and wondered why she was there. Of course, I was singing while I was doing that. Our performance ended quickly. The MC there announced that one of the members showed new found skill and deserved recognition. She told us to close our eyes. She then handed me a paper, which was the same paper that I was handed earlier by the recruiter. We all opened our eyes and the leader looked straight at me. I knew she saw the paper and knew what was on it. I told her that I wasn't going to be leaving the group at all.