Visiting an 80s House dream

Date: 6/20/2023

By votaco

To preface this I don’t know why but whenever I watch things set in the 80s or see houses built in the 80s . I get this really weird nostalgia but I want born waaay past the 80s. Anyway I don’t remember the first part of the dream but it starts with me sneaking into this house that apparently used to be my three companions old house. It’s very broken down and dilapidated. We bump into an old black and white picture before heading through the dusty kitchen to the living room. There the lights are turned on and in the living room are 3 large thick tvs and 2 smaller ones. I remark that for some reason we were obsessed with abundance in the 80s . Then I feel this weird chill as everyone else is thinking about their memories in this house. I was the only one who didn’t live there but somehow things look so familiar to me. We go up the stairs and in one of the bedrooms I get this feeling that I’ve been there before and I realize that I played there as a child with my sister and the kid tested me on math when we were younger. On the right is the exact bookshelf he grabbed s book from to quiz me. Then we move to the exercise room where we for some reason meet my aunt and next to her is a man with brown hair and a mustache dressed in 80s workout gear. Shes apparently married to him in this dream. She remarks about how old all the exercise gear is and how dirty her house is now. We go downstairs to hang out in the couch and the guy starts to exercise on an exercise bike in the living room and we are for some reason taking about the house. Then my aunt comes out with frozen food from their fridge and I’m like ewww that’s really old are you sure were going to eat that. The dream ends then.