My Death In The Pine Desert

Date: 5/10/2018

By Norswil

(A reoccurring dream) I'm waking through a forest, big tall pine trees rising up all around me. It's a forest, but the ground is sandy like a dessert, dunes of sparkly, yellow sand piled up through the trees. I'm walking along but also keeping an eye out for something or someone, occasionally stopping to listen, hiding behind trees to survey the surroundings. I feel like i'm in danger, like someone is following me. In a small clearing ahead I see the house. White weather boards shinning in the sun, looks a bit like a church with a steeple on the side, it's always the same in this dream. The sun beams down on it through the clearing, It's almost glowing. Sitting uneven in the sand, sinking on one side a dune is piled up the wall, sand flowing through into the open door. I cautiously walk in. It's empty, abandoned, glittery sand covering every inch of the floor; the sun shining through holes in the roof, illuminating patches in the room like spotlights. I freeze, I hear the soft noise of foot on sand, coming this way. Stepping into the darkness, I crouch and wait. I reach into my jacket pocket, and pull out a knife, I flick the blade out. I know what I have to do, i've done this many times before... but it never ends well. I'm terrified, my breathing increases, heart's beating out of my chest. Carefully and silently, a shadowy, robed figure steps into the room, it has a knife at the ready too. I leap out, thrusting towards its heart with my knife. The figure skilfully steps aside, dodging my attack and in the same fluid movement, spins and plunges its knife into where my chin meets my neck. To the hilt. It all happens so fast. I fall to the sand. Eye sight blurry, a dark greyness fading in, I die in seconds. ---------------------------------------- *Yeah, pretty traumatic. I think when I have this dream I know what's going to happen which adds to the fear I feel in it, maybe? I just know I'm going to die. Everything is exactly the same, except where the fight happens. Sometimes it's outside the house or behind a dune near the house. I hide, attack first and he gets me with one strike. I must have had this dream about 4 times this year, from what I can remember. Strange. ---------- Update: reoccurring dream 2017-2018, about 6-7 times maybe. Not once in 2019.