The Cybernetic Brain Bransmitter, the Freedom Rider, and The Doc.

Date: 8/16/2019

By Hashki

Alright, this is a really bizzare one. I had this dream after playing a lot of fallout new vegas and reading a weird sci-fi novel called "pollen". It starts out with me walking down this long highway in the middle of nowhere. The road is cracked and dusty, surrounded by dry barren fields as far as the eye can see. It's night time and I'm cold, hungry, and confused. I start getting worried about why I am even here. Suddenly, on the horizon, this spec appears. I can hear a loud engine in the distance and I realize the spec is a vehicle coming toward me. It's getting closer and there are huge dust clouds forming around me. It seems that the dust clouds are somehow caused by this vehicle. It finally gets to me and come to a sudden, clunky and mechanical halt. The vehicle looks like a mix between a delorean from Back to the Future and something out of Mad Max. I can see this mysterious figure through the front window, but I can only make out these ominous glowing eyes contained within a shadowy silouette of a strange man wearing a mysterious long brimmed hat that droops over most of his face. The eye contact is intense and i knew the look he was giving me was telling me "get in". I find myself in this strange contraption that is very hard to describe, it seems very big and seems to have a lot of rooms. It's very dark with a lot of orange and red colours. I'm sitting next to this guy and he starts driving down the highway. His face is still as shadowy and mysterious as before. I don't say anything and after a while he starts to speak. Everything he says is cryptic and mysterious, but at the same time makes perfect sense. His voice was rough and equally myserious as his face. The first thing he said to me was "this old highway, bound to find something down there. Only I found it first" I took this to mean that he had been looking for me, but so had others. But he was the one who found me. I asked him what he wanted from me, which he replied "Freedom. And it's all in your head" I took this to mean that there was something I knew that could help people be free, but I didn't know what. I asked him what meant, and he replied with "You know it" to which I had a sudden ephiphany that there had been some important information implanted in my brain at some point, only I had forgotten about it until now. He then looks me intensely in the eyes which seemed to confirm that my ephiphany was true. At this point he gets very serious and puts his foot flat, causing the car to speed up. Everything is shaking and it's real intense. I'm still pretty confused about whatever is happening, when he say. "Get in the back, time to see the doc" Next thing I know I'm in this other room in the vehicle with a stereotypical eccentric mad scientist type character, talking really fast, explaining everything to me. I'm pretty sure that everything he says is just technobabble but his mad ravings seem to make perfect sense. Something about the end of the word, some faction known as the "stinging eels" who want what is in my brain. I start getting worried but he tells me not to worry, he's a doctor. He says something about how I lost my memory, but he found them in the "ethernet" , and something about how there are codes in my head for some sort of broadcasting signal tower or something, as well as top secret documents that if the world found out about, it would be the end of those "slippery eels" I ask why all of this is happening and he just laughs, tells me not to worry, and that he just needs to "make a few incisions" and "plug me in" I completely trust these people for some reason and let it happen. I realize I'm in some kind of surgery chair with all this crazy looking technology around me. The doc says something like "freedom rides a good ride, no bumps, don't worry" then suddenly fires up this mechanical whizzing drill like contraption and moves it closer to my head. He says something like "you got a C-15# encryption on this bad boy. Did it yourself, you're smart, but I'm smarter. no walk in the park but I can walk it" I have no clue what is going on but all I can hear is this whizzing sound and the doc babbling numbers and letters off that make no sense. Suddenly I feel this weird sensation in my head and I realize I'm back on the highway like at the start of the dream. I look around and see nobody. All of a sudden I hear a voice say "he's plugged" and the doc appears on the highway and looks really concerned. He asks me "you know where you put them?" This just confuses me. He starts panicking even more, babbling more numbers and letters, says "something went wrong" which scares the heck out of me. As I start to panic we find ourselves surrounded these weird snake/eel like things, swarming at our feet. I can hear the mysterious "freedom riders" voice in my head saying something like "almost there, taking some eels too" still very confused at this point. Can't remember much here but next thing I know we're back in the car and these flying eels are attacking the vehicle. The rider is laughing maniacally saying "these are my roads, no ocean here" Next thing I know we're parked at some radio tower, the eels are gone, and the doc is telling me how he was sorry about before. He says he did manage to decrypt the codes in my brain, and laughs saying "guess it did get a bit bumpy" We get out the car and stand under the radio tower. He gives me this weird looking piece of technology he calls the "transmitter" and tells me everything should work, I just need to plug it in. I instinctively reach for the back of my head to plug it in, which seems to work, and I hear this high pitched squeal in my head which fades out. Doc looks at me and says something like "good, it's working, now you got to go see the DJ" I look up at the radio tower, there's this head sized robot (E-DE) flying around it. He somehow picks me up and we fly to the top of this tower. He beeps at me but I seem to understand what he wants me to do. He wants me to be the transmitter for this radio tower. I sit in this strange little seat that somehow is designed for a human to be the transmitter for, and I hear the same high pitched squeal with fades out. I feel this "broadcasting sensation" flowing through me, and suddenly start to panic. I look down at the doc and freedom rider and I feel like they have betrayed me. All of a sudden I vividly hear the song "I don't want to set the world on fire" by the ink spots start playing. And realize I have set off multiple nuclear missiles. A mushroom cloud appears and an intense light gets brighter and brighter. It's at this point I wake up. This is one of the strangest dreams I've had, and was really vivid. It should also be noted that I was taking herbal suppliments to encourage lucid dreaming and increase vividity. It's called valerian, and I took about 5 grams of it before bed.