Mystic Land

Date: 10/31/2016

By Sunfeather21w

So in my dream, my dad was a chocolate maker. I was a girl around 14 who loved everything supernatural and unrealistic, basically fantasy. So I'm not sure exactly what happened before but there were these two angels and these two guys. The guys were my age and, who knows how old the angels were, but they looked like two girls around my age as well. So, we found this weird stone or something and I think it showed us a screen but it had minecraft creatures on it??? and I know it was evil and we were trying to stop the evil force or something. So after we found this stone, we were trying to find this mystical land in the sky and we could only get there with the stone. So we found a portal (which happened to be a toilet😂) and we used the stone to get to the land except, when we got there, the angels grabbed our hands (and are apparently really strong) and carried us since there was no land. We were flying through the sky and there were several old relics and stones like the one we had that were floating in the sky. Than we were in some sort of building and my dad was there too and for some reason the building blew up and everyone was okay but my dad asked if his chocolate was okay. I told him yes after checking out the exploded area and somehow I knew how to fly as well.