The Bad Influence

Date: 11/24/2018

By NMCProductions

To give some context, my school has a large outdoor stage out front of our music building. My real life house in the dream was my school (confusing, I know) and my best friend and I were watching a band play on the outdoor stage at lunch one day (the stage was coming from what is, in real life, my bedroom window) and my best friend’s mum showed up. To give some further context, my best friend’s mum in real life is a massive control freak, so when she showed up, she randomly said that I am an EXTREMELY bad influence on my best friend’s sister and that mine and my best friend’s friendship is to be terminated INMEDIATELY. I then, in the dream, for some reason, looked up my home address (No. 20 in real life) on Google Maps and Google Maps said it was No. 1234. Weird dream...