School chaos.

Date: 11/13/2023

By lithiom

I was at a school thing with my friends and there was pool in the gym. I was chosen to do a competition with a group of people. I ended up winning and got out of the water to wave at everyone since me and this other girl were the best swimmers. Our prize was we each got a glove that had been worn by a famous person in a MMA fight. I really didn’t have a use for it so I gave it my friend but a group of boys tried to steal it so I replaced it with a rag and told them to come after me. Later we were in the lunch room, I was sorting by my family and my friend and noticed the glove was gone. She panicked and I told her to just forget it but she told me it wasn’t just a glove so I had to go get it back from the same group of boys. I threatened them until they gave it back.