Faerie creature hybrids

Date: 3/23/2022

By votaco

In this dream Im technically a version of myself. The dream starts out with my back story, i was born to a single faerie mother who is living in the human realm. She has lost of energy container and I haven’t gotten mine at my age yet. Without her energy container she can barely move with the energy container in her body. The way we got there was that my mother was fell in love with a powerful soldier. They got married but their marriage turned rocky when she caught her husband cheating in her so she fled when he said he was kicking her out when she got mad at him. She ended up in the human realm and gives birth to men she’s a normal faerie and her husband was a black wolf shifter. She gives birth to me who has something wrong and is a fox shifter who can’t fill transform between fox and human appearance. The Starts with us being stuck in this collectors item bc faeries without enough power turn into stone. Since I’m a hybrid I only turn into toy looking statues when the sun is out and return to normal at night. One day I find out that the collectors have found out where the back up energy of the faeries are in one type of faerie and I watch as they rip it out and kill the frozen faerie. Scared for mine and my mothers life I grab her statue and make a plan to escape to the faerie realm after finding her energy storage. The dream then skips to me successfully escaping to the realm. There my mother takes me to where she stored her faerie gold and buys An expensive apartment in a complex that looks like a resort. We settle there and the dream starts to get weird bc the relatives we meet are my real life relatives and they are all planning to some how help me through some faerie ceremony that takes place yearly. Then the scene cuts and I find out that coincidentally my biological dream father is working now in a workplace that is near our home. I bump into him and immediately sense that we are related. He can sense it too and is in shock. Then I see his backstory where my mother was in danger and the only way to protect her was to push her away. However he didn’t predict that he wouldn’t be able to track her down for many years. The dream then cuts to me getting on a school bus and going to high school for fun when I’ve already graduated and running out when I realize that the faerie ceremony is going to take place. I meet up with my sister and we take a bus where the driver drives us back to the expensive apartment. We make it to the apartment in time and the dream ends.