Basement party

Date: 11/24/2017

By flyingfish45

At an earlier part of the dream I was in some large wooden church to celebrate some Christmas party, but I don't remember much except being in the Parking Lot a lot while it snowed. A lot of the people I went to high school with and I were in my parents basement. Sometimes I would go up stairs and come back down and the basement would've be a little bigger. Everybody was hanging out like it was some sort of party. I would talk to some people and move between the groups of 6 or so people. Alissa kunkle came and talked to me and asked me on a date so we walked to the top of the stairs where people were sitting on the wall and I explained to here that I was already going to go on a date that night. That also ended up never happening. At on point when I came down Mr. Douma and all the play people were sitting around a golden lion statue that was build in a Chinese style with two big fangs. There was a very large chain with 1 inch thick links rapped around it. They were putting a metal bar up to it and then placing a live wire up to each chain link to heat it up and separate the chains. They were doing this at the bottom of the steps. Then across the room there were a few people lying on the unfinished sides cement floor. That was completely open and barren of storage items. Later we were all sitting in a giant government room with the different rows of chairs on different levels encircling the center chair. It looked more like the combination of a very large court room and a college lecture hall. As we practiced for some kind of graduation with Gus Maxwell sitting in the center in charge of it all with a Bluetooth in his ear and some old looking management lady I didn't recognize sitting in the crowd. He had a very concerned look on his face as he called individuals up. Almost as if he felt like he was going to get killed if he messed up. As he called them the people would come down and they would hand the person a massive multilevel trophy when they got to the center, they would do a little dance, walk out of view, and disappear. The end of the dream was me standing in a bus circle where the busses were coming to take us away it looked more like a big arch whose other size got way to small to fit all the buses, but as they approached that end they fit anyway.