Traveling Uphill among Rocks

Date: 7/14/2023

By arrisonk

I was on some kind of larger group vacation with several people but cannot remember most of the dream. At one point, myself, Aaron Brown and some Asian guy were in some kind of little climbing boat type vehicle, sliding up a large hill, inside a little cut out of rocks in the side. Daytime; greeen grass and gray stone all around to my left while the cutout terminated on my right. As we got higher, I noticed it got narrower and steeper as we went. So I decided to bail on the trip up. Once I decided to go back, I immediately dislodged from the little boat and began gently sliding back down the hill. As I slid, I watched words on a piece of paper change, running backwards through astrological signs as I slid. Somehow, this was evidence to me that I would make it back safely and intentionally.