Ok weird dream

Date: 10/14/2017

By laurenl98

So at the very beginning I dyed all my hair black and cut it short but not that short honestly just to below shoulder length and for a while I liked it a lot but I got veryyyyy sad because I was missing my blonde hair. Also this part of the dream felt super real cuz I still remember feeling this way and honestly had to check in the mirror a couple times to make sure my hair was still blonde. Anyway. Then fast forward to my next dream sequence. So recently in real life I’ve been having super bad stomach problems and generally poor health issues with my body being all dysfunctional. So in my dream I went to the doctor to get it checked out and she told me I had literally one week to live. Which stressed me out obviously and I kept making jokes about it to everyone I knew. Anyway then this boy I have a huuuge crush on in real life ended up having this study session in the library and one of my good friends went and she told me she hooked up with the dude I’m literally in love with and I was sad cuz she’s a snake and hooked up with someone I liked but also sad cuz what the fuck could I even do about it like I’m gonna die who cares what I think and have to say ?? I just felt very empty on the eve of my own death and like my purpose was very minimized and like my life was just supposed to end with no happiness. Very depressing. ALSO: I totally forgot about this part but for some reason this one guy who dropped out of my school came back and tried to hang out with some of my friends and it was very weird because he was always suuuper mean to me when he went here but he came back and wanted to go out and spend time with my friends idk it was very weird