Buying THEM things

Date: 5/15/2019

By Brianna

So I had this dream the day after Mother’s Day. I’m my dream, Jeremy, my boyfriend of over six years, got me a dog treat for our puppy. I thought it was a sweet gesture as he never does things like that unless I ask him to. Then, we’re all the sudden hanging out with some friends. My boyfriend and I jumped into the car with these friends - who I don’t actually recognize from RL. I look in the back seat at this girl who is around my age and she also has a dog treat in her hands. I immediately knew Jeremy got her one too. I got real upset about it though. “It was MY special gift” I thought, “why would he get some other girl a treat for HER dog too”. I was so pissed about this I threw my dog treat and was yelling at him, right in front of our friends even. I looked around the car, complaining, and noticed that everyone else also had a treat for their dog in their laps. The way I felt in the dream is that my boyfriend thinks of me as no more special than everyone else he knows, and therefore, I am treated just the same by him as everyone else. In RL, what happened to cause this dream, was on Mother’s Day. I had nobody around - my only son was taken illegally from me out of state by his Dad over a year ago and the courts aren’t doing anything about it. I am in the middle of a bad custody battle with him and my boyfriend knew that this day would be hard for me - Mother’s Day -when I haven’t seen my 7-year-old son in over a year. On Mother’s Day, I woke up to no surprises or romantic gestures by my boyfriend. He didn’t plan r do anything for me and I honestly feel that he should have tried to do at least SOMETHING. He’s been in my life for how long? Almost as long as my son! Anyway, his mother came by that day to support me emotionally (again, this is in RL) and she told me that Jeremy had already stopped by her house, brought her flowers and headed to work. He left me completely alone in other words and had his mother come over instead to take care of me. Also, my family is kinda crappy so I dont talk to them anymore or my own mother so he really left me in the dark and had his Mom clean up his and my messes. So, snap back to my dream and here he is buying everybody else a special gift when it should have been mine. I woke up feeling so bitter and angry towards him 😡 is that wrong?