lots of green? artist, park, legos, ship, underwater exploration, and david bowie?

Date: 8/31/2017

By headFeed

i was seeing the life of an artist who passed away. he would go to a place that people lined up for to get milk. hed paint with watercolors people drinking milk, getting milk, posing with their milk, the line with milk. he seemed obsessed. his other more detailed paintings were gorgeous oil portrait paintings, but before he passed he seemed to become more and more obsessed. i am this painter. i see myself painting the milk hose. it has a light green/blue tint. i paint it over and over. closer each time. im not even painting the milk coming out of it anymore. its just the nozzle. now im with my friend klara, were at her apartment but in the dream its a hotel kind of. were doing some mischeif to break into someones room. we have a wheelchair and we ring a doorbell to try to ask someone if they have a keycard thing cause the person who was in the wheelchair has it and theyre in the hospital, (it makes no sense but??) noone answers the door, we hear someone come in through the stairway and its gordon ramsay??? we panic and start walking around. theres throwup on the other side. i can smell it. we decide to just leave and maybe get some snacks. i see an old classmate i never liked, she says something rude to klara so without thinking i call her fat. she starts chasing us down so we run for it and i yell sorry sorry. she grabs me at a big playground area and i say i wasnt thinking properly and she says something like "well i liked the kana that thinks" and bodyslams me onto the ground. it hurts. i start climbing the playground stuff to try to get away from her and now everyones being friendly. i slide down a slide and i see another old classmate laying in a slide. so i lay in a slide too. its a green slide that splits into 3. i feel the sun on me. my back still hurts from the bodyslam. people think that im being mopey cause i got out of the mood to do things after being body slammed. now im with a younger version of my classmate now and my brother, putting legos together. this classmate now looks like a nerdy version of my friend troy. in my dream its like a combination of them and also younger???? hes putting the legos together, its therapeutic to watch. hes not connecting them, but somehow makes a structure. i move to adjust myself and accidentally destroy it. i say ill help fix it but he says nothing and destroys the rest and starts connecting them. its not symmetrical, i want to point out that one part looks misaligned but he builds so fast, so efficiently. he builds a cool looking spaceship. my brother says that he could do that too, but not in that short amount of time. the friend/classmate says he has to go brb and leaves. i look at the thing he made. i see it in a game now, it looks like a smoother more detailed starbound. the ship he made is a cargo ship, it just has some supplies and the pilot area, which is separate. kinda like in a ><== shape. the == part being the cargo. > being the separate pilot area. its in a bigger ship with some crewmates whos a.i. keep getting in the ship and moving it around. whenever someone drives the ship. the other crew members would flail their arms chasing it like its getting hijacked. the friend comes back, and asked where the ship is. i tell him hes gotta go right a little cause his crewmates kept driving it around. i see his character get in it and start driving. im in it too. he flies it out of the ship and i see a crewmate chasing it with its arms flailing around in a very smooth animation. we leave the big mothership and it turns out to be underwater. were mack in 3D now and were going through tiny rock tunnel systems. we squeeze through a small area and now im just scuba diving. the tunnel gets smaller and more organic, like its alive. my friend (wherever he is) says that the rock here turns into a large anemone. so the tunnel we see that we cant fit in is the tip of a very very large anemone, like were inside of it. we go back, but we cant find the rocky parts again. its all just organic, anemone mouth flesh. im pushing the flesh back to try to squeeze back to where we came from. im lost. its all red and textured with little protruding fluffy dots. i think that i might be going up too much, so i tilt my head down and i escape! from a blanket. im in a room now. my blanket was big and apparently i was having a dream, hitting the wall and suffocating inside of my blanket (this is still a dream) im having a sleepover party with all of y online friends. theres futons covering the entire room. everyone is gone, i see one person leaving the room and my boyfriend is here. hes standing on the bed next to mine telling me to wake up, get out of bed. im just happy to see him and smile and close my eyes again. he tells me to wake up and i hear his voice moving so i open my eyes again. hes by the door now. i dont want him to leave. i reach out for him with both arms. i want him to come and hug me and hold me tight and pick me out of bed. he just moves closer, and now to the left of me. im falling asleep with my arms out. he sits down next to me, i can barely reach him. i open my eyes more and realize my boyfriend looks almost like david bowie?? but pastel green??? white skin with a tint of green, pastel green hair, clothes are pastel green too????? hes singing something to me. i love him still. i fall asleep again. i realize that hes still there and i should wake up. i wake up in real life. (theres alot of green in this dream in places that is.. strange and artificial. hmmm)