Searching for rabbit mother.

Date: 6/20/2019

By josiah22

There was a set piece of land (not an island) but what seemed to be a rectangle piece of land that was in the dream. It was the story line. Outside of the dream (IRL) I had music playing in the background on Pandora, and the song is called "Center of my heart" by:Dean Evensong.. The album name is 'Healing Sanctuary'. In the Dream I was apart of it and the spectator of it. Now there was a mother bunny rabbit who was in danger and had let her daughter go while she was young, she was scared and had no where to go. The rabbits in the dream are a light blueish color, like baby blue color. So there were some other rabbits that were searching for the lost rabbit, The rabbit who's mother had died earlier on turned evil and sour, she hated my rabbit friends and me, we searched the forest and found a secret hole in the ground, we went in and in the lair we found the missing rabbit who had lost her mother. She rigged the place with some traps and had a peculiar contraption next to the wall, the ground was grass and flowers and such and the walls were made of a dark gray color, clay like rock that was hard to break. I had something & and I put it on this large table-like rock, it then started playing back a movie like a projector. Some of the rabbits watched and the whole movie showed the mean rabbits life fr when her mother left her to were she was now, at the end it showed with sound what happened when her mother left her, she said " good bye my darling" & left and went towards the danger. Turning away from the movie to the mean rabbit she quickly went to her cave entrance and turn around quickly with her paws on the entrance wall, the walls were covered in moss & grass, she said " My mother's Alive?", Right then we all knew she was alive, we were in shock and relief, the rabbit said as she looked like she was going to cry, "I thought she was dead"🥺. "She survived" said the people/rabbits that happened to be there. "I was running away, and was searching for my mother but never found her". It had been about 15-18 year's. "Well", (said one of the other rabbits heartily) " let's get out there and find your mother". The once mean rabbit went outside shortly fallowed by everyone else, except for and people. Then there in the distance, in the same place she had been abandoned was her mother, she ran to her and braced her mom with a bit smile. "Mom. I missed you". She said "I missed you too" The mother replied. And they lived happily ever after, The End.