working plus friends

Date: 1/16/2021

By heruined_my_memejournal

ok so i was working at my old job again except this time the storefront was in a supermarket, anyway it was with my old boss who was awful, but he had gotten better at management i guess. Suddenly we were never understaffed and work was going great. I had a lot of coworkers, the ones who stuck out in my mind are my friend andrew and this girl whose name i couldn't remember, she told me it but I couldn't remember if it was April or Summer. She dressed really cute. Anyway, We went out to get drinks from the store, and I got like a peach sparkling water or something. Andrew didn't have enough cash so I just added his stuff to my cart, but then April/Summer insisted on paying for all our drinks. We ended up losing mine somewhere and I never found it. Anyway, I go back to work and there's a bunch of people in there, but you know the gate thing they pull down at stores in the mall when they close? That thing was closed even though a bunch of people were in there. It was also more like a curtain. If you pulled it up to duck underneath, the security alarm would go off. Andrew didn't care, cuz he lifted the curtain and slid under. It set off the alarm super loud and I covered my ears. My boss didn't even care lol. Andrew even slid back under again to get out and he set it off again. I saw Brianna at one of the checkouts in the store, and I told her I'd buy her snacks later. At some point, I was sitting in the parking lot and somehow started talking to this guy, who asked if I knew his brother. I told him I had a class with him sophomore year, so he asked what I thought of him. I remember saying something like "Well, he didn't talk to me much but he seems really nice." and we ended up having this deep conversation about what it means to know someone or care about them. I wish I could remember what I said because it was kind of interesting, but it probably wouldn't make sense outside the dream anyway. Later I was at home and some of my friends were there, I had bought this new kind of sauce and we put it on some noodles to try. I was the only one with a fork, my friends all had chopsticks to taste it with.