Date: 4/16/2020
By TheBigDee
The dream starts off in my high school. I was watching a high school basketball game, and near the final seconds, the coach asked me if I could play in the second game that was taking place right after. I said yes. We went to the other gym to warm up, and the coach asked me why I was there. The coach said that I wasn’t part of the team and I had to leave. So I left into another room in the school that was my bedroom. Someone from the grade below me asked if he wanted to play beyblades with me. I told him that my collection of beyblades was better than his, so I showed him mine (right across the room). He was astounded by how many beyblades I had. Suddenly, I realized that I had to get home. I texted my mom to see if she would pick me up but she didn’t respond. So I decided to take the city bus. The route I usually took to the bus station looked very different, and once I got to the bus stop. I remembered about the 6-foot rule about the coronavirus. Nobody seemed to follow it as everyone was next to each other in the bus stop, the busses were running, and 2 little kids chased after me and touched me non-stop. I came to a conclusion that I had to pick another bus stop, so I ran towards another until I found a crowd of people at some sort of new museum. I went towards that crowd and I found out that it was an old hotel that got converted into a museum. It was apparently supposed to be one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. The 6-foot rule was abolished, it seems, as everyone crowded up to celebrate the opening of this museum. Once it opened, there were many beautiful mosaic structures to see that was supposedly the hotel design, once I came deeper in the museum. There was an ice rink with tons of fans (people in the museum) where 2 NHL teams played, the Tampa Bay Lightning and the Ottawa Senators. The Ottawa Senators were always my favourite NHL team, so I cheered them on. However, these players did not look like humans, they rather looked more similar to lego figures. There were chants going on, “Let’s go Lightning, Go Sens Go!”. The let’s go lightning chant was always louder, which irritated me. I found a few friends, a guy named Ethan and a guy named Ghazi. During the game, Ghazi was constantly irritating me. He kept on taking my bag and putting it in places I couldn’t find. After the game, I decided to take the city bus towards my house, but it didn’t stop where it was supposed to stop. Instead, it dropped us off at the mall closest to my house. During that bus ride, Ghazi hid my bags again, so I couldn’t get off where I wanted to. Once I was at the mall near my house, the dream ended. When I woke up, it felt like I was drowning in sweat, and I had to take a shower after.