Bees, Busses, and Books, Oh My!

Date: 11/5/2019

By CalMehJuly

Im going to be late for school and when I realize I only have 10 minutes to get ready and catch the bus, the clock is acting weird. Like its going quicker then usual. I missed the bus. Its night outside not morning. I freak out like OMG I missed the bus. When all feels lost a girl who might be a diary came out of a book. She was here to grant my wishes. She was very sassy bossy and mean. But in the end we made a deal. She said I needed a goal like in a videogame to accomplish for her to make my wish come true. She would rewind time for me if I did so. I thanked her. We became quite good friends and partners in crime. I made a goal to not be late for school. She said the goal had to be short not long. I say random things like Wont miss the bus Will wake up early Etc But I'm paranoid Theres always a loophole in magic. In the end I make it to school. I don't remember how or why or when. But I'm at school and im happy. I'm at this event at school inside a building thats super big and roomy filled with many students and teachers. But at the same time in my real life basement which is pretty long but smaller compared to the huge room. It was like a tournament game or something. I see my friend L and we exchange a few words until ...... all of a sudden bees a huge number of bees come in!!! They do that buzzzz sounds and everyone runs away and screams to get out. I run up and hide in my room locking it. I hear banging from the door and I dont want to open it but at the same time I do. The banging stops. Who knows how long I waited.... I think and wait... Scared to open the door to see what lies beyond...