VR Samus Game, Escape from Some Government Guys, and meeting "Fall Boy"

Date: 3/14/2019

By fluffytree

Dreamt I was Samus from Metroid playing some sort of virtual reality game where I was steadily trying to climb up a giant cliff wall that had these stretchy rubber nipples all over it. There was water at the bottom that would steadily rise and fall and the object of the game was to not let the water touch you. I believe it was also to reach the top. The water did in fact touch me many times but I don't remember ever falling in. Eventually after struggling to get to the top and falling down a bit, I realize that I can use the nipple holds to fling myself in any direction by moving the "real world" analog stick on the game controller in a downward position to make them stretch, and then letting go so that it would fling me in the direction I wanted. I used this to get around alot easier and even managed to make it to the top of the cliff. But surprisingly nothing happened when I reached it so I just jumped back down to play another round. I eventually drifted off to another dream at this point too. In my next dream I was running through a college hallway with some unfamiliar guys around my age as we tried eluding some men in black guys. We weren't sure why they were after us, just that we couldn't get caught. I know one of them was the Cigarette Smoking Man from X-Files, while another was Percy Odell from Black Lightning, who is a similar type of character. We managed to get far enough away where they had to slow down pursuing us so they could reassess their tactics. We were above them on a higher level looking down and witnessed the two of them "unzipping" their bodies to reveal that they were literally meat suits. Inside were their real bodies which were a pale green color and translucent. They had slightly glowing green eyes too. I suddenly had a memory of one of our guys trying to shoot them only for it to have no effect and now I see why. I get the feeling bullets wouldn't stop these guys and they may be indestructible... Finally in my last dream I found myself in a college classroom again. It felt really weird cos it's been over a decade since I was in college. I felt a bit proud of myself for going back though and this seemed to be a drawing or sculpting class. People had their big sketchbooks out while the instructor talked about various things. There was this guy sitting in front of me with long hair though who kept rocking back in his chair. He would rock back so far his hair would touch my lap. I was surprised he didn't fall. I didn't say anything the first few times but eventually I got annoyed and told him if he would stop. He smiled and stopped but told me how this was his "thing" that he was known for. I was confused but this other student nearby filled me in on how the school paper always has a tradition of doing a story about him every week. He's called the Fall Guy or something like that. I didn't care though. He was annoying me and I wanted him to stop. I also got the feeling like he was testing me though, like he was seeing how assertive I was and if I was ever gonna tell him to stop at all. Shortly after this I woke up.